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Recap of 2016 HVPOA Annual Meeting

April 30th, 2016. The annual meeting was held at the Wilkerson Student Center @ BYU. Our president Randy Hill opened the meeting with Trust...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Rigged elections, fruad, and abuse of HOA members in Vegas

There is a huge sake up and fraud in Nevada's HOAs. Many players have been indicted from lawyers to managers to contractors and board members. 4 people involved have mysteriously died. This drama contains lessons for us all--below is a synopsis and you can click through and read more about it. Why should you care? If you don't stay involved it can happen here. Remember, as simple as ballots are to get right (the guidelines by the state are clear) once again we have a board who couldn't put out a legally correct ballot!
Not that they are "rigging" anything. We don't believe that. But if members allow a board, any board, to play loose with the law, the day comes when some board members do take advantage. THAT is the lesson. Can anyone guess what was not legal about the ballot you received? Please put your answers in the comments and in a few days, if no gets the answer right--we'll let you know. Hint: it's clearly posted in corporation law how to prepare a ballot.

Read and stay involved!
A class-action lawsuit has been filed in District Court against key players in the scheme to take over Las Vegas Valley homeowners associations
Prosecutors have alleged that the scheme involved stacking homeowners association boards with friendly members who would hand out legal work and construction defect contracts at the expense of the associations and their homeowners.

The co-conspirators would find “straw purchasers” to buy condominiums at various developments and get them to run for seats on the boards. The straw buyers would be elected through classic dirty campaign tactics that included forging ballots and digging up dirt on candidates not supported by the co-conspirators.

The lawsuit alleges that the defendants “conspired to enrich themselves by fraudulently slandering various class members to win HOA board elections and then further conspiring to vote in favor of litigating various construction defect lawsuits. Read about it here...


  1. As a concerned and involved member, I hope we don't get into any scandles like Nevada--we have enough squabbling as it is.

    I didn't see anything wrong with the ballot! I liked having choices on the budget. Was having more than one budget the problem?

    1. Well Remember Folks the OLD BOARD that was removed .... You remember The Removal of the Board that took place in the Fairview School Gym ..... The Fact Is that Board was NOT playing square and so yeah you guessed it Old Judson Called Their Cards. My sole intent was to Get Gravel on the roads and stop all the PREVIOUS SECRECY and well Illegal Handling of matters. My suggestion is Gravel Gravel Gravel and Keep The Trash OUT of Hideaway ... Live Well and Prosper. Oh and when in Doubt ask Boyd ... He's a good person ALBEIT a little Country LOL


Any one is allowed to make comments. You can use your real name and lot or an assumed name. Please be respectful of everyone, especially our trustees who donate a lot of work for us. Even if you believe they are not acting in our best interests or following our documents, stick to the facts--no name calling or innuendos and unfounded accusations. We want to set a good example for our trustees.