April 30th, 2016. The annual meeting was held at the Wilkerson Student Center @ BYU. Our president Randy Hill opened the meeting with Trustees Angie Russel and Kurtis Zobell in attendance and Fred Smith attending by proxy via Randy. There were approximately 10 members present.
Randy Hill gave an exemplary address as he summarized last year's difficulties and the future steps we can take to protect member interests in our community. President Hill placed a particular emphasis on how much money was spent without member approval. He passed out last year's financial statement that had been withheld from members at the last annual meeting. The president then shared a 24 page document of rewritten covenants that the last administration ordered without asking for member approval as required in both our bylaws and current covenants.
This unauthorized attempt to take away member rights and vesting most power in a board cost Hideaway $8700 in attorney fees. The real tragedy is what this document would have done to Hideaway. It gave virtually all power to a board with little to no member input. The board would have been ale to make any rules they wanted, create and levy fines at will, take away voting rights, take away proxies, take away the ability to allow a person with a POA to vote. If this had been allowed to go through, you, dear member would have been rendered a slave to to the whims of a board. The only way you would have input would be to elect a new board (but with an all-powerful board controlling elections and no proxies or agents allowed that is almost meaningless) is for 67% of members to vote against a board--that would be 320 votes to stop a board from doing anything they pleased with your property as collateral.
This unauthorized attempt to take away member rights and vesting most power in a board cost Hideaway $8700 in attorney fees. The real tragedy is what this document would have done to Hideaway. It gave virtually all power to a board with little to no member input. The board would have been ale to make any rules they wanted, create and levy fines at will, take away voting rights, take away proxies, take away the ability to allow a person with a POA to vote. If this had been allowed to go through, you, dear member would have been rendered a slave to to the whims of a board. The only way you would have input would be to elect a new board (but with an all-powerful board controlling elections and no proxies or agents allowed that is almost meaningless) is for 67% of members to vote against a board--that would be 320 votes to stop a board from doing anything they pleased with your property as collateral.
Read the $8700 document
Here is the document President Hill passed out. Download it here.
It was pointed out that in order to amend our current covenants, it requires 50% approval of all owners. That is 225 yes votes, which we know will never happen in Hideaway. So Randy asked,"How did they propose to do this? By doing something illegal?" We don't know.
In addition, It seems the attorney doesn't know his corporate law because in order to change the number of members required to vote on something you cannot do it with less than the new requirement--in other words--they were going to change the required number of votes from 225 to 320, but by law you need 320 votes to change it--which we all know would never ever happen in Hideaway. Was the past administration stupid? Do they think owners are? Or are they crooks? Harsh words?
No. Events were considerably harsher than outlined here. Many of your neighbors were maligned, forced to pay high legal fees for dishonest books, liens wrongfully placed on properties, favors given to friends and lies told on those who asked questions. No books were forthcoming and a single man took $5000 of Hideaway money and paid it to an attorney to keep himself in power--he had no authority from any board to do so. The attorney who took the money is no longer with that law firm and the law firm paid it back, acknowledging that the expenditure "may not have been properly authorized."
It was pointed out that in order to amend our current covenants, it requires 50% approval of all owners. That is 225 yes votes, which we know will never happen in Hideaway. So Randy asked,"How did they propose to do this? By doing something illegal?" We don't know.
In addition, It seems the attorney doesn't know his corporate law because in order to change the number of members required to vote on something you cannot do it with less than the new requirement--in other words--they were going to change the required number of votes from 225 to 320, but by law you need 320 votes to change it--which we all know would never ever happen in Hideaway. Was the past administration stupid? Do they think owners are? Or are they crooks? Harsh words?
No. Events were considerably harsher than outlined here. Many of your neighbors were maligned, forced to pay high legal fees for dishonest books, liens wrongfully placed on properties, favors given to friends and lies told on those who asked questions. No books were forthcoming and a single man took $5000 of Hideaway money and paid it to an attorney to keep himself in power--he had no authority from any board to do so. The attorney who took the money is no longer with that law firm and the law firm paid it back, acknowledging that the expenditure "may not have been properly authorized."
Oath of Office
This was completely against the Oath of Office that the past administration signed. Roy Walker insisted on producing this "Oath of Office" and then dishonored it thoroughly.
Our New President Randy Hill has promised that no more major decisions will be made without member approval and when members ask for records, they will get to see them--no more secrets or secret documents done behind member's backs.
We have a solid board of member servant/volunteers now. We are blessed.
Shelly M Lots C331, C332, C333
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