Nila from Kansas is going to be doing quite a few guess blogs for us to keep HVPOA updated on what's happening in the nation with reagard to Association law.
Neighbors at War! - The Creepy Case Against Your Homeowners Association:
The initial news was stunning. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer had just signed a campaign finance bill that radically changed the powers of Homeowners Boards and HOA managers. That little contradiction should raise your eyebrows. A campaign finance bill that allows untrained HOA managers to appear in Small Claims and Administrative Law Courts playing like make-believe lawyers on behalf of Homeowners Associations? A Campaign Finance bill that regulates whether Homeowners Associations can have on-street or off-street parking?
"The story behind the story is that the Community Associations (CAI) Institute is in every Legislature in the land, constantly lobbying to increase the powers of HOAs, and weaken the Constitutional powers of average citizens. "
read the rest of the story here.
'via Blog this'
This unrestricted blog is intended for members of the Hideaway Valley Property Owners Association for open and fair dialog about how the business of our valley is conducted. We intend to support our trustees in member approved projects and disseminate information for the integrity and transparency of our association. Join us, become a follower, and if you have suggestions--send them! CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO HIDEAWAY VALLEY NEIGHBOR'S WEBSITE
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Recap of 2016 HVPOA Annual Meeting
April 30th, 2016. The annual meeting was held at the Wilkerson Student Center @ BYU. Our president Randy Hill opened the meeting with Trust...