This unrestricted blog is intended for members of the Hideaway Valley Property Owners Association for open and fair dialog about how the business of our valley is conducted. We intend to support our trustees in member approved projects and disseminate information for the integrity and transparency of our association. Join us, become a follower, and if you have suggestions--send them! CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO HIDEAWAY VALLEY NEIGHBOR'S WEBSITE
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Recap of 2016 HVPOA Annual Meeting
April 30th, 2016. The annual meeting was held at the Wilkerson Student Center @ BYU. Our president Randy Hill opened the meeting with Trust...
Friday, December 17, 2010
Holiday HOA scrooges
How long they can keep it up? The first date you can put them up???? Aren't we lucky not to be like so many other associations that dictate every little thing a member can do with their own property. Take a look at a few of the rules other associations have to have shoved down their throats "for the good of all."
We are blessed that we don't have a nasty old scroogey board that tries to make rules about your property and what decorations you can put up and that your neighbors aren't trying to tell you how to live--most associations suffer from the neighbors watning things THEIR way, disregarding your way--but here we pretty much leave each other alone. Granted there are a few busy bodies accusing others of things--mostly untrue...but we pray for them--that they get over themsleves and their superiority complex. Hideaway is a great place and put up thsoe decorations!
Read what others do:
“A hallmark of a shared ownership community is that you give up some of your rights for the good of the community. If there are restrictions involving holiday decorations, including lights and signage, you’re generally bound by them,” says Ryan Poliakoff, co-author of New Neighborhoods: The Consumer’s Guide to Condominium, Co-Op and HOA Living.
Don't be a scrooge with holdiay lighting rules;
Saturday, October 16, 2010
HOA Syndrone--do you have it????
I think this guy is correct--it is a syndrome and a lot of folks in Hideaway have it!!!
Professor: Homeowners Get Ill From HOAs
Homeowner Association Managers Dispute Unproven Syndrome
At a Friday evening forum at the College of Southern Nevada, psychology professor Gary Solomon said dealing with a homeowners association is enough to cause physical and emotional harm, including stress, anger, fear and paranoia.
Over the past two years, Solomon has been developing his theory positing that HOA syndrome is a real medical condition."Harass the neighbors enough, keep them in line and set them up with fine after fine after fine," Solomon said.Homeowner Robin Huhn said that based on her own experiences with associations, she believes the syndrome is real.After she had an addition done on her house, she said her association sued her instead of warning or fining her."They took me to court," she said. "It cost me over $20,000 to defend myself."Some homeowner association managers said the syndrome is not a legitimate condition."You tell me that anybody in this economy right now who's lost their job dealing with outside influences doesn't have a majority of those," said Lorrie Olson, an association manager.She said homeowners shouldn't complain because they knew what they were buying into."You know what the expectations are," she said.Solomon said there is still work to be done before a mental health professional can diagnose someone with the syndrome, but he said he hopes that one day it will give homeowners the ability to seek legal damages against their associations.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Association Times | Communication - The Key to a Successful Board and a Happy Community 0810
communication. that is the key. Here is an article int he associaiton Times that explains this...
Association Times | Communication - The Key to a Successful Board and a Happy Community 0810
If you are committed to developing and maintaining communication in your association, you will have happy, more content residents and you will see less conflict and apathy. You will have created harmony in the community.
Strong communication skills are not recommended but required for board members. To be effective, you have to deal with conflicts or challenges without expressing anger or loss of control. It is your responsibility, as a board member, to make sure that each owner understands key information.
An example of good communication with your owners is: The west parking lot in your community needs to be resurfaced. You must relay all the information that an owner would need. Give the owners details; anticipate all questions they might ask and leave no question unanswered.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Roy Walker Is still with us.
You know, we are told to be kind and never leave people with angry words between you--becasue one never knows when you won't see them again. Roy and I have had our differences but we were friends once. Just before this last election, Roy held a get together to share his ideas with folks. I went becasue I wanted to know what he might do differently if he were reelected. Roy made his presentation and at one point he got a little loud so I left.
But to my surprise, Roy followed and asked me to come back in. He wanted to share a few more things with me. He asked if I had seen his flyer on the HVPOA board--I laughed and said "yeah"--I asked if he saw where some one had scribbled that I was a "b***h" and he laughed, "Yes and I tore that down," Roy exclaimed.
"That's funny," I replied, "becasue someone had torn your notice down I put it back up!"
And there you have it. Even though we disagreed on many issues and confronted each other with HVPOA business and bullcrap, very loudly at times, we still believe in each other's right to be wrong and right to have a different opinion. We don't see eye to eye today, Roy is my neighbor, was my friend, and I'm glad he is still with us.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Half Step from Crazy: The Power of the HOA
Half Step from Crazy: The Power of the HOA
I hardly think trash cans in the driveway was worthy of a typewritten letter and the cost of postage. However, I have since moved them to the side of the house where they normally reside.
I am tempted, though, to take up my sisters' offers to help. One said said she'd pimp out my trash cans with rhinestones and boas and glitter, and the other said she'd sew a set of trash can cozies to cover them up.
Or maybe I'll just cover them up with hair extensions, like this person did.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Associations should be on the warpath
You think the association together with its debt collector can't take your house because you fell behind a couple months on assessments?
How about the homeowner association that got the owner's house last year for $5500 bucks? The bulk of this figure isn't assessments: it's collection costs racked up by the debt collector.
Take a look at the documents posted on the CCHAL website: the payment plan the debt collector forced on the homeowner and then the documents recorded at the county recorder showing that the HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION got the house for $5500 at the trustee sale. The HOA now has title to the property.
Here's the CCHAL link:
First of all: the so-called payment plan breaks existing law. It says that, when the homeowner makes a payment, the debt collector will use it to pay himself not to pay down the assessments owed. After that, payments go to legal fees; after that management fees. After THAT, the assessments get paid.
EXISTING law (Civil Code 1367(a) is very protective of BOTH the homeowner and the association. EXISTING law says ASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE PAID DOWN FIRST AND IN FULL. Collection costs are to be paid last.
After all, the whole idea of hiring the debt collector is to get the association its assessments RIGHT?
So -- when exactly does the ASSOCIATION get paid? The payment plan says assessments are paid LAST.
Associations should be on the warpath over these payment plans and why AREN'T they? Is that why the association has the winning bid at the auction? So it can take title to the property and then flip the home? Or what ? And how did the HOA come up with $5500? Did it pull it out of reserves or out of somebody's pocket?
Debt collectors and the association industry are in a FRENZY over AB 2502/Brownley. Why? Because it hits them in their wallets.
Somebody -- we can't imagine who -- has a nice scam going: forcing the homeowner into an unaffordable payment plan while holding the home hostage. Then foreclosing on the home with the association buying it at a fire sale price.
The debt collectors and the association industry are calling AB 2502 the worst bill of the century.
We call it one of the best bills of the century: one that protects both homeowners AND associations. The associations should be in total support of AB 2502. But they aren't.
Yesterday we were at the Capitol talking to members of the Housing Committee where the bill is to be heard next week.
CCHAL NewsBrief
April 21, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
So who is paying $1116 in assessments for their lots?
Hello fellow lot owners,
Well, a lot of you, like myself have received a letter today from Mr. Roy Walker. Look at the label on your letter--it contains your lot number up in the corner. This is the same label that was on the "anonymous" hate letter sent to everyone a few months back. Does that surprise anyone?
Mr. Walker is also running for the board after quitting, yet again, just a few months ago. We all know he quit a number of times before in fits of rage. But Nov 9th was the first time he put his "tantrum" in writing. Now he has resigner’s remorse and sour grapes and is spreading misinformation so he can get back on the board.
I don’t want him on the board because of his past actions. He throws fits in meetings, paces, screams at members and makes it next to impossible to conduct business. I also don’t want Roy on the board because he is not careful with our money. Roy paid himself for milage out of association money just to run errands. This was for driving to the post office, to the book keeper, county clerk, and Sams Club. Most of the time he failed to get board approval for reimbursing himself. Unfortunately, Mr. Walker often failed to get board approval for many things he did in the name of the association. That was part of the problem with his inability to work as a team member. Fortunately our current board is a team and thankfully, they don't find it necessary to pay themselves to drive to the post office, go to Manti for records, or go shopping at Sam's Club in Provo. They combine association business with things they have to do anyway. Not to take anything away from Roy when he served, but all of our board members put in many many miles and countless hours to serve you, yet only one reimbursed himself for mileage, to the tune of $1,701.00!
Walker misquotes figures and that hurts all of us. For instance with the 2009 budget, he wrote that 260 members were behind on their dues! Wow--that would be horrible except that it isn't true. I did the math and the result was the opposite of what Roy claimed. From the very same aging report, I calculated that 285 lot owners were current and 22 owed less than $100! That was 307 members current for all practical purposes. Only 137 were behind and of that only 27 were way behind (over 1000). If any association member wants to know what that aging report really says, please contact me and we can go over them together and you can decide for yourself if 2/3rds of you are in arrears.
He makes other wild claims that pit neighbor against neighbor. Why would he write in his letter to you that "it is common knowledge that only about 33-50% of the owners pay assessments?" How odd to tell such fibs. Why? Maybe to justify the $350 to $300 dues he had you pay when he was a trustee? Remember the budget you received in January of 2009? The board then wanted $300 in dues--but anyone who examined the numbers quickly realized that with the carry over from excess funds, Members only needed to pay $90 to fund what he said Hideaway needed. So did Walker do the honorable thing as president and lower the dues? NO. He inflated every single number to justify the $300 and created a new bloated budget!!!!
If members were not paying their fair share, as both Roy and Bryan claim, how could Hideaway collect $138,489.92 for fiscal year 2008 to 2009? Lets do the math.
We have 444 paying lots--if only 50% pay, as their letter stated, divide that years income ($138,489.92) by 222 (50%) That means that all those who did pay had to pay $623 for each lot! If only one third paid, then each lot owner would have paid $1116 per lot! Since I don't remember paying $1116 on my lots, I suggest that he is mistaken about the percentages of members who don't pay.
I wish members, candidates, owners, and interested parties would stop telling Hideaway members their neighbors are stiffing them! Stop trying to get them angry at each other. There is only one person they should be angry at now and that is Roy.
I am angry at Roy for spreading misinformation.
I am angry at Roy for quitting repeatedly, leaving the association high and dry and now having resigners remorse and blaming everyone but himself.
I am angry at Roy for spending many thousands of our dollars on attorneys and very often without board approval.
I am angry that he once was in charge of the CPO and now pretends he was manipulated.
I am angry that he continually repeats untruths that have been proven to him over and over to be untrue but he holds on like a pit bull despite all the facts--such as refusing to acknowledge Utah code about a lack of quorum he created in our association.
I am angry that Roy tries to discredit a reputable company (C&G Disposal).
I am angry that he tosses out unsubstantiated figures to make it appear as if Hideaway could soon go bankrupt when nothing could be further from the truth.
I am angry that he slants things saying this site doesn't present all positions when he knows perfectly well that every thing he or Rita or any other board members have ever sent to the site have been published as is..
I am angry that we are no longer friends and that things that use to make him proud, he now denies.
Most of all I am sad--that he ran for the board and that he tried to run over the board once he got there—I am sad that I lost respect for my old friend. I don't know what happened to him--but the guy who sent you that letter is not the man that was my friend and I am sad for the loss--
Monday, March 22, 2010
Roadside Trash
My asthma got the better of me and I needed to quit because I was stirring up dust as I was picking up the cans. By the time I got home and emptied my Jeep, I had enough cans to fill a 44 gallon bag halfway and my garbage can halfway with trash.
This to me is disgusting. People are pigs. Not only that the fact that 98% of what I was picking up were beer cans/bottles and hard liquor bottles is very scary. How are we as a community going to feel the first time some drunk driver hits a child? We live here we have kids playing outside now that the weather is better. We all want to enjoy the beauty we are surrounded by.
I feel it may greatly benefit our community to post a sign near the entrance about cleaning up after ourselves and taking the garbage out, or maybe we should consider asking the county to provide a dumpster by the entrance, just a thought.
The Peterson's and our family are doing a clean up project tonight, in an earnest effort to make this place a nicer place to live. Permission to post this to the site.
I hope that we all can pick up after ourselves, remember we need to think about the safety of others, and the overall effect that this has on the wildlife and land around us. If you can bring it in with you, then take it out with you!!!!
Thanks Melissa Zobell
Friday, March 5, 2010
Anger Management at Board meetings
Anger Management: "A former president who recently had been voted off the board began pacing angrily between the board table and the assembled unit owners. He got so upset he was literally frothing, Hirsch de Haan says, so she responded by “circling the wagons.”
“I gathered all the board members around the table, and we talked very quietly,” she explains. The man continued to rant and rave. After a few minutes, one of the unit owners piped up and said, “Hey buddy, would you sit down and shut up? We want to hear what’s going on.” The former board member responded by leaving, slamming the door on his way out. “The audience burst into spontaneous applause,”"
But above all, says Hirsch de Haan, board members must not allow themselves to be drawn into an angry confrontation—no matter how tempting. If you refuse to react to someone's bad behavior, it’s much easier to defuse a tense situation. “If somebody’s yelling and you speak quietly, it tends to calm them down,” she says.Whatever you do, make sure business carries on as usual. “What you don’t want to do is adjourn the meeting,” says Hirsch de Haan. By doing so, “you have rewarded their bad behavior. They’ve won—and they'll do it again. Plus, you don't get your business done, and that's what you're there for to begin with.”
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Hey, turn in your neighbors
Here is a list of things Hideaway neighbors have turned their neighbors in for (some to the county, some to the state, some to the board):
Child abuse (this has happened a LOT in Hideaway--nothing has come of any of this)
Having a single wide mobile home (county refused to cite owner)
Trying to rent their land (county said there is no restriction in renting land)
Animal kennel infractions (county said our covenants ruled and they don't enforce our covenants)
Having a messy lot (county doesn't enforce our covenants)
Driving a heavy truck on the road and tearing it up
Having a shed that is too big
Working on cars on their lot
Dumping prohibited things in the trash (they had the wrong party)
Deserting their property
Living in their camper (there are no camping restrictions in county ordinances)
Not dumping their sewage from camper at least every two weeks (how one would know how often a toilet is dumped is hard to fathom---we know of one couple that had a porta potty but the informer didn't know that)
So if you think you are helping Hideaway by going after your neighbors, think again. We talk about Unity and being a good neighbor--then our feelings get hurt and we strike out. Read the discussion board below written by another HOA member (not Hideaway) and think twice before you try to build "Unity" by turning the other guy in.
Hey, turn in your neighbors: "I think I know why we have such a small turn out at our association meetings. Why would anyone want to attend when our ''neighbors'' are so quick to turn us in to the city for anything.
Recently, I and several other members of this association were turned into the city for various violations, at least according to the city. I will bet none of us were contacted prior to being turned in to. There is no better way to create disharmony in our neighborhood than this type of behavior.
It breeds contempt, and more importantly it breeds apathy. I dont plan to look out for my neighbors or this neighborhood if this type of behavior continues. Not to mention you are wasting my taxpayer dollars doing this! Talk to your neighbors! Dont turn them in!"
Monday, January 25, 2010
Learn to Appreciate your POA Trustees
Top ten tips for dealing with your HOA: Relationships: "Learn to appreciate your board, as long as it is full of people who care. Many times the board members are there to help you resolve problems and to fix things for the best of the community. These people do not get paid for their positions, they simply volunteer what time they have to serve you and your community."Let's let this current board know how much we appreciate the things they do for us--
* They do not curse in meetings
* They do not come to meetings drinking before or during
* They keep a schedule for both member meetings and board meetings, making it easier to plan to participate in our association business
* They do not have outbursts and throw tantrums and walk out of meetings without finishing business
* They do not threaten to quit every time they are frustrated
* They use agendas and stick to them
* They send clear informational communications,
* This board has all meetings in the open
* These trustees do not get up and make threatening moves to members or threaten to beat up other board members
* This board does not encourage members to verbally attack other members or fellow trustees,
* This board is letting members VOTE on what affects lot owners.
* This board is not sending every little thing to an attorney--costing the association up to $1000 a month--they are using common sense and reading the documents that affects us for themselves
This board understands the trust we have placed in them. Let's let them know how much we appreciate these things they are doing for us!
For all the board members that supported mature and well-run business practices, we thank you--past, present, and future volunteers. You know who you are.
We deeply thank the trustees who resepct us as members. Especially the trustees that respect us when we least deserve it. You are our treasures! We are greateful!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Problems and in Hideaway?
This blog space is being given to a lot owner, Gary Francis, becasue he wants to express himself and felt that the "comments" section on the member to Member site was too restricting. He has some good points and strong feelings about his opinions.
As a new owner I see a lot of issues that really worry me. Proxies from my reading was not designed for 1 to vote for many but to allow a attorney to vote for you. Also I understand some want these dues adjusted because they do not get the same services as some I have written a letter to the board and yet to receive a answer. In my understanding I am responsible for water, sewer and utilities. We all have access to garbage and the roads that are safe to clear are. Then I also hear it's because a lot of the lots are only used as recreation. Who is going to decide who pays what how much you use your property is your choice. I think if everyone payed we could all pay less. Gary Francis #C352