Violations Can Expose Boards to Lawsuit - Powered by Google DocsThis is an interesting article. It seems our board thinks it's OK to violate the by-laws and the Utah Code. I don't get it--what is so hard about following the rules you fought for in the first place?
So, what rules and law are being broken?
1. Duly noticed meetings. Only one board meeting has been noticed on the web site since March 27. Why? Do only the full-time residents deserve notice to meetings? Call the president Jim Taufer and ask him why--his number is on the
original web site (which is still there and ready to use but apparently abandoned by
someone without a board vote and in violation of our By law 3.7. Roy Walker did have the courtesy to answer an email that the meetings are the third Wednesday's at 6 at the senior center in Fairview--he let us know that noticing the members via the web is up in the air. Tom LeFevre did return a call to state the meeting was this Wednesday.) The tradegy is why members must dance jigs to get information that is rightfully theirs.
2. A collections resolution was signed by two board members--a resolution that should go before the members for a vote in order to comply with the new by-laws we just passed. No one can show us the minutes from a board meeting where this resolution was formally adopted.
3. Communications are sent to the members that have not been presented at a duly noticed board meeting and voted on.
4. Records that are required by law to be given to the members are being denied with no reason given-in fact no communication of any sort. Just denied.
5. The financial records that by LAW have to be sent out 15 days after requested are not being given the members. The board actually will have to pay for attorneys fees, the law mandates this, if a member decides to take it to court and a judge has to enforce compliance with the law--it will cost us all money to force the board to follow the law.
6. They allocated money in the budget for road maintenance and presented a map to the members of the work they intended to do. We voted for it. Now they are doing different work, nice but improvements--not maintenance and not what they said, and it hasn't been voted on in a board meeting. If it is not voted on in a broad meeting, it is not a board action. Since our board is supposed to be running the association,
and they are not--who is running Hideaway? Its not the
members and its not the
7. No one can give us the minutes with the motions and votes to run the association. Who is running the association?
Frankly, I don't think anything sinister is going on--I really don't. I just think it is a personality conflict(s) and that the trustees don't know how to put principles before personalities (
some trustees)--Just do what's right according to
our documents and not what you think is right when you get a whim about something. Follow the rules. It truly is easy and stop 99% of the contention. I promise.
What do you think? Aren't you happy we elected a board who just simply won't follow the rules? But wait...maybe its not the whole board. We don't know becasue we aren't being invited to the meetings, we can't get the minutes to the meetings, we can't the financial records...